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Cadastral maps depict land parcels and often provide associated information such as the lot/plan details and area.
Our collection of scanned historical cadastral maps of Queensland is available for free through Open Data and the Queensland Globe.
Features of this historical cadastral map series include:
collection dates range from 1841 to 2005
over 6,800 scanned maps are arranged in 56 series
majority of maps are provided as high resolution colour images
includes parish maps, which were published in 1901–1997
includes some one off administrative maps.
Note: Those still in copyright are made available via 'Creative Commons CC:By licence', which means that you can view, print etc. without any restrictions.
How to access historical cadastral maps
Queensland Globe
Historical cadastral maps can be accessed via the Queensland Globe by launching a Historical maps topic. It allows you to search for and access our department’s released historical map scans for any Queensland location.
The following guide explains how to access historical map scans using the Queensland Globe's historical maps topic.
The historical maps topic is part of the Queensland Globe and provides users with the ability to search a range of historical map scans for any location in Queensland.
The steps below explain how to access historical map scans using the Queensland Globe’s historical maps topic. You can also view this information in the Historical map topic guide (PDF, 2.9MB).
Choose layers from those displayed – Cadastral layers are shown first and then topographic layers and finally the McKellar Georeferenced map layer.
Select area you wish to locate historical map scans – zoom in or use Search option.
Select Toolbar
Select Identify – choose one of the Identify options
Select a location. Results will display in the Layers section.
Select Results layer of interest.
Select map of interest. Map details display including:
map name
date published
copyright status
download link for map scan and size of file
preview image (select to have it display)
additional metadata.
The Download link and Preview Image link when selected, display in new Internet tab.
Access a different layer
To go back to a different layer if there is more than one Results layer shown, use the white back arrow in the Attributes section and then in the Features section to go back to the Layers summary.
A different layer can then be selected.
If there is more than one result in a layer, any of the results can be selected.
Use arrows in black section to move through results.
It is possible to load specific linked map layers once the Historical map topic is launched.
Layers have been linked as:
Cadastral early coastal maps
Cadastral early detailed maps
Cadastral parish county town and environs maps
Cadastral early large coverage maps
Cadastral standard maps
Contour early detailed maps
Contour standard maps
Contour and image standard maps
To choose any of these links, select Add layers.
Scroll through the displayed options and open Imagery and base maps.
Open Historical printed maps.
Because only the default town maps layer is loaded, remove all selected layers. For the series of interest, click in the empty box to select it. The map of Qld updates with the loaded bounding boxes for the maps in the selected linked map layers.
Open data
Historical cadastral maps can also be accessed via the Open Data portal. Links to individual series are included in the table below.
Click on the resource series you want to view. A summary of the map series displays as well as options to view, including Download (CSV).
The fields displayed (e.g. title) can be expanded to view the details.
If the Download (CSV) option is selected, the url for the map scan is located in the Download link column (Column G).
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser.
Press enter and the map scan opens.
You can then save the map to a location of your choosing or crop parts and paste into documents etc.